An Inter-disciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences


1. The main objective of this annual blind peer-reviewed journal published by Pub Kamrup College is to promote inter-disciplinary research among scholars and faculties.
2. This multi-lingual (Assamese and English) publication will accommodate papers from contributor(s) having research value.
3. The editor is not responsible for views and opinions expressed in the articles.
4. Authors should refrain from using racist and sexist terms in their paper.
5. Articles submitted elsewhere or considered for publication in any other journal, will not be considered here. We are strictly against simultaneous submissions.
6. The contributor must provide a declaration that his/her paper has not been published in any other journal. The declaration form is attached.
7. An abstract of around 200-400 words along with keywords and a bio-note must accompany the submission.
8. The word limit for the full paper is 3000-4500 words including the Works Cited/ References. Book reviews should be within 1000-1200 words
9. Authors should use Times New Roman, 12pt font-size and lines must be single-spaced for submissions in English. Nirmala UI, 14pt font-size should be adhered to, for submissions in Assamese.
10. MLA and APA (latest edition) style-sheet are to be followed while writing the research papers. Details of all works cited in the text should be provided at the end of the article as "Works Cited" or "References".
11. Authors will be communicated about the status of their paper through their valid e-mail IDs.

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